Sunday, October 11, 2009

Do the TERRORISTS think that they are TERRORISTS?

We are the ones with the WMD's

We are the nation that bombs every other nation

We are the nation with that has killed millions of people with our bombs

Why do we think we are not terrorists...what do you think B52's deliver

Do the TERRORISTS think that they are TERRORISTS?
no, actually they were made to believe they were to "liberate" the Iraqis"....
Reply:You are correct.

We dole out allot of carnage world-wide, but for some reason always seem to justify it. Just like a Jihadist justifies their carnage.

No difference whatsoever.
Reply:Terrorism depends on your perspective.
Reply:Terrorism..: to instill terror, do the math.....DUH ! If it quacks like a duck,It's a duck.....(ask a little three year-old Iraqi, this question.....Friend,or Foe ?? )
Reply:To my simple mind,terrorists and those who use WMD's,they are about the same.They both take thousands of lives and yet think of themselves as saviours.They all think they are doing it right but I just feel sad for all those who died and the loved ones they left behind.
Reply:We try not to kill innocent civilians but terrorist do.
Reply:Well, if you find the Islamic terrorists more palatable you know where the door is.
Reply:No and neither do the people that support them just think IRA and how many supported their cause without any regard for the innocent people they killed.
Reply:Maybe you would like to live somewhere else.You are proof Liberalism is a mental disorder. I could counterpoint every one of your simple minded notions but i would be wasting my valuable time on nothing.
Reply:Terrorists thrive on the fact that they are terrorists. People that make excuses for the terrorists are just aiding them. Congrats.
Reply:The word "terrorist" is so subjective. Usually, powerful nations---such as the USA---bestow it on organizations, governments and groups that are at odds with their policies.

What an excellent and thought-provoking question you asked; you are one thousand percent on the money. I shudder to think of what we've done to Iraq, Vietnam, and every other nation we've interfered with.
Reply:You must not have gotten a good enough answer the last time you asked this same question, so I'm going to answer you again.


We fight when we have to fight and kill when necessary. Terrorists kill innocent people. We are fighting to keep the terrorists from invading our country again like they've done several times in the past (not just on 9-1-1) And we use our WMD and bombs during wartime. We don't surprise people by bombing city buildings on an ordinary day while they're working. We don't strap ourselves with bombs and enter planes, trains, schools, etc. That's the difference. If we weren't fighting on Iraqi soil they'd be fighting on ours.

If you're not happy being a part of this country then I suggest you leave! I hear property is pretty cheap in Iraq and based on what little I know about you I don't think you'd be missed by many.
Reply:Probably not, unless they are deliberately trying to be. They probably think they are defending their families and nations.
Reply:State terrorism is the name of "Freedom, Liberty and Justice."
Reply:It's truly sad that people like you exist in this world.

Please educate yourself before you cause others harm.
Reply:its easy for people to view us as evil- especially when they have better speech writers and personel to play around with words and names
Reply:No the terrorists do not think they are terrorists.they justify thier killing of people through thier holy book the koran.In the koran it is supposed to be the duty of all muslims to kill or enslave all non muslims that will not convert to islam.In the koran thier prophet muhammad gives the muslims permission to lie to the infedels (non muslims)in order to fool them into thinking they are at peace.

Islam through al qaeda and other terrorists groups have been attacking the U.S. and the west for about 20-30 years.The past leaders have just failed to do anything about it.This is why there are always lots of people killed in wars becsause politics stands in the way at times of doing what must be done at precise moments.So it's like saying 3,000 people had to die in New York for politics to wake up and say"hey we are being attacked".Al qaeda openly stated he was at war with the west like i said about 20-30 yrs ago.

All the weopons we have today were born mainly from the cold war era.The wmd's especielly.The U.S and the west in general is the super power and we have very large commitments to protect fledgling gov. most of whom came after series of wars or are small and defensless.Also our military might is there to protect our interests,we do buisiness with the entire world and there are those who dislike us ,mainly because we are the sole super power.

the only people we have ever killed were people trying to kill us. If the "millions" you refer to as the war with japan.It was either drop the nukes or even millions and millions more would have died.Learn about the war with Japan and you will understand.

Listen to the "terrrorists" of today to what they say.They blame America or the west in general for islams failures when in fact islam causes it's own failures.Islam does not wish for modern things.If islam were the dominate power on earth there would be no T.V no radio and no computers.And many more things would be left in the dust.

America or the West in general are not perfect but we need to look what the West has brought to the world and what islam has brought to the world.

The muslim arguement that Israel is the problem is just an excuse.They,islam,wishes for an islamic caliphate (in other words an islamic empire)and this is what bin laden and his supporters are killing thousands and thousands of innocent people for.The latest kingpin captured from al qaedas group says under al qaedas rules ther are NO innocent people.This guy carried out 800-900 of the roughly 1400 bombings of mostly innocent muslims.

One has to be very wary of propoganda and one propaganda tactic is to make you blame your own country.The reality is that we send billions and billions of dollars in aid to muslim countrys and the kings and rulers in those muslim countrys give next to nothing to thier own people.They horde the money for themselves.The king of saudi arabia rakes in billions of dollars a DAY selling oil,yet the west is the one that gives billions and billions to HIS people and thier nations.

Visit the sites i posted and you can be better informed.

The questions you asked have huge and time consuming responses.the best thing though to do is to think about it for yourself and not just take others words for it.Another thing to do is look around and see is the blame being laid at your feet for the worlds woes really one nations making?

I do suggest that you learn about islam because it costs people thier lives and i am sure you can better find the truth yourself.

By the way my screen name Dar Al Harb is an islamic term it means HOUSE OF WAR. House of war or Dar Al Harb is any land not controled by muslims.Land ruled by islam is called Dar Al Islam. Is there a justification why any land not ruled by islam should be a house of war? No religion states this only islam.There is just way too much to post here about your questions i could go on forever.

If you want i believe you have access to my 360 page and i have tons of info on islam there.

Please don't jump to conclusions by hearsay do the work and you would be amazed at the truth you can find.
Reply:Be careful carol .


this is america ...

remember something called ( illegal ) wiretapping and screened e-mails and other such eavesdropping and shadowing and and and

this is the country of ... gonzalez .. of torture .. of guantanamo .. of abu " grave " .. of renditions

if you are not with us then .........

if you are not a patriot then .........

if you don't want to "stay the course ' ... then ..........

are you one of those namby pamby liberals .. a democRAT maybe ???.. one of those who has to try and see the other side ... the other perspective ...

next .... you will be telling us that these terrorists .. no no ... what do we call them now .. whats the newest republican terminology ?? ... ah thats right .. the islamofacists .. ahhh that sounds good .. and frightening too... you want us to believe that they are fighting for something .. like what ?%26gt;? .. huh ? .. sneer !...smirk !...

like for their country or their people ..

that they have a right to fight for their freedoms and their lands ...

that the palestinians have a right o fight for their land just because we took their country and lands and possessions and gave it to the jews and threw the palestinians out into refugee camps that are now more like concentartion camps ...

and what would we have done with the jews after WW2 .. huh ?? .. bring them here to america ? do you think the british wanted them in England ? .. look we sent them somewhere as far away as possible from us ...

and now you want us to cry for the palestinians and all the other peoples who think they jhave been unfairly treated ,because they think what we did was wrong to them

look wake up

life is tough.. first there is the irs ... and then you die ... ( and yeah the irs will be there too !) ...

look we have got to bomb them first before they bomb us .. see thats called preemptive something or the other

and remember guns dont kill people ....

same with bombs Carol %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; see .. get it ...

when we kill we do so because we are right and righteous and have God on our side .. see ... its easy .....

i can't believe you think the way you do ... you are probably like that 23 yr old american girl who went to palestine to help and stand up for their rights ..

and she stood in the way of an israeli bulldozer to stop it razing the home of someone ...

and you know the jews know how to handle things .. yes siirreee

they didn't just run over her .. i think they backed up too ...

and do you know what our president .. the decider said when it happened .. ??

um.. i don't know .. i don't think he said anything ..

be careful carol ..

whose side are you namby pamby whineocrats on anyways

its the way of the world

remember the native american indians

and the robber barrons and and and ..

and didn't you do any science in school

survival of the fittest / strongest / those with WMD's carol

see .. its easy ....huh you probably went to one of them thar cre ation ist schools right .. never heard of darwho .....all you liberals care about is dar dar darth vader huh .....

look Carol .. that guy.......that guy , ..... that bush and cheney haven't mentioned for a ffeewww yyyyeeeaaarrrsssssss now .. whats his name again ..

obi one kenob...

no no .... uuummm

osama ben kenladen ??something like that anyways ...

well he fought against the russians when they invaded afghanistan.. the nerve of him indeed !!!

and then he sent men to attack us here in america to get a feel of what we have made life like for so many in the arab world palestine in particular .. but also with our support of the jews and the puppet govts of egyptand jordan and saudi arabia ( or is that the other way round ? .. is america on the payroll of the Saudis ? .. we go to fight thier wars for them .. be their enforcer .. i mean .. how many saudis troops or egyptian or jordanian troops have died fighting in afghanistan and iraq ? huh / huh / ) .....( and while we are on it .. can women vote in those countries , can they drive , do they have to wear something over their faces and bodies and and and .. )

what right does obione kenladen have to think that he has a right to fight for the downtroden and tortured .. i mean he aint robin hood thats for sure ....

terrorists are terrorist.. first palestine .. then afghanistan .. then the middle east .. then us ..then the world then the universe

can't you see carol we have got to

fight them over there ... to ...

stay the course to ...

surge forward .. to to to to ..

we are the good guys

we are always right

we have God on our side ..


our president can talk to the HIGHER FATHER ABOVE

bush talks to God


bet you osama benkenladen can't do that

see carol

its soo easy .....
Reply:Do I have a deja vu or you asked the same question days ago??


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