Sunday, March 14, 2010

Should i stay or should i go?

I have been married to my husband for about 18 mos now. Do to circumstances we have not been able to live together that entire time. Recently after I gave birth to our son I found out he was cheating on me in a rather messed up way. He bought her flowers from 1800flowers and used my number as a refrence so when they called two weeks after i delivered the baby and asked for her naturally i was pissed. This is not his first more like his fourth. I confrounted him about it. He swore he broke it off, and even if he didnt I called and used harsh language on her. His excuse was we didnt talk enough. So he had to go other places. Now he wants me to give up my carreer move me and the kids 1600 miles to live with him. I love him I just dont know if i can trust him not to do it again. HELP ME!!!!!

Should i stay or should i go?
"This is not his first more like his fourth."

So, why would you forgive him three times, but not four times?
Reply:18 months........Just go.
Reply:you really need to be out of there now cause a relationship is nothin if you dont spend every night in each others arms and drift off to sleep
Reply:Keep your career and the kids and the child support and dump him. He's a looser and I don't know how he got you as a wife anyway. You deserve better (me if I was younger and single).

Oh, if you think he's never going to pay the child support and really want to piss him off. After the divorce is final and the child support order has been made. And he hasn't paid anything for over a year.

Tell him the child isn't really his. You know it is but make him doubt it.
Reply:Once a cheat always a cheat..Think hard about it have to do what is right for you and your kids....
Reply:GO, leave him girl, your better than that
Reply:I think if you stay with him, he's going to continue seeing other women, especially since you say this is the fourth time he's cheated in only a year and a half! This is also endangering you if you are still having sex with him..he could be picking up diseases and giving them to you! So be sure you protect yourself.

I wouldn't trust this guy. I am so sorry he's being like this to you. I say cut your losses and divorce. You cannot trust this man...maybe if it was one time cheating you could give him another chance, but four?
Reply:Why do you love someone who does not respect you? What is so special about this guy who lives 1600 miles away?

He cheated on you and used a lame excuse. All signs point to him cheating again and again.

The best thing you can do is to stay where you are and dump him. Make sure to file for child support. He should at least take responsibility for his actions.

Take care,

Reply:After 4 times you're not sure??? I think you're in denial.

Please be realistic. Obviously he has no morals, and he's confident you will take him back........AGAIN.

PLEASE prove him wrong this time!
Reply:honey, he has cheated on you how many times? at this point do you really think that he's going to stop? to cheat on someone while they are pregnant is the ultimate low. i know, i've been there. my hubby cheated on me while i was pregnant with our last child. leave him. you deserve better.
Reply:whether u love him or not if he is going to cheat in u while ur pregnant with his child then he will probly cheat again. he is a loser. dont move.
Reply:why are you guys not living together in the first place? of course if you don't live with him, he's going to go out and cheat. men are animals. if they cant get it from their own woman, then they will get it from someone else. men don't wait, women can, but men are a whole different story. of course you should move in with him even if its 1600 miles and with the kids. besides its better if the kids grow up having a father around. maybe you'll understand when your kids are older.
Reply:How many does he have to cheat on you before you get it in your head that he doesn't have a faithful bone in his body? Duh! You know what you should do...
Reply:I wouldnt do it..... that is just me though
Reply:I say leave him his not worth it he cheated on u before his gona keep doin it and if he realy loved u hel live with u and his baby and wont make u give up ur career. Think about ur career and ur kid dont think about him he doesnt think about u
Reply:Why would you expect a marriage to work if you're not even living together?? You shouldn't have gotten married in the first place if you weren't going to live together. I honestly don't know what to tell you.
Reply:Be happy eith your son and move on he won't change
Reply:nooo way!! do not stay, he sounds like a DICCCKHEAD! you dont deserve to be treated that way. if its his fourth time and you forgive him, he'll think he can just do it again and again and you will just come running back. he really aint worth it treating you that way! you and your baby are better of with someone who actually cares.
Reply:how many more times does he have to cheat on u before u wake up
Reply:You haven't even been married two years and not only has he repeatedly cheated on you but wasn't even discreet about it. He doesn't respect you or your vows. That really makes me doubt his love for you. Don't go back to him. This isn't going to get better. If you love your child, don't raise him in that kind of environment.

Why did you call the girl? She didn't cheat on you. She has no responsibility over your husbands behavior.
Reply:WHAT!!!!!! You deserve waaaaay beter than that. There you were giving birth to his child and he was sending flowers to another woman!!! No! NO !

If you stay with him he will never change. There is no happy future for you together ok.... Just believe me.

You deserve someone who will show you true love and respect. You have ONE LIFE don't give it to such a low life terribly **** person!

Also if you stay with him your children will grow up and see the relationship you have with their father and see that as their "model" relationship to aspire to...

Show them a good upbringing... not that dysfunctional backward behaviour of your husbands..

Don't move with him please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:He has cheated on you 4 times and you are asking this?

Sorry, you would be asking for it again if you stayed with him. Without trust, what kind of relationship do you have?
Reply:All that I can say is that is doesn't look like this behavior is going to stop. You really need to talk seriously with him (however far that will get you), but you really need to think of what it is that you want to do.

You have been put through enough. You know his and your situation better than anyone. Do you really think that it's a good excuse to cheat because the two of you don't talk enough?

Don't go somewhere that you don't want to be, just to have the same thing happen all over again.

Time is really the only thing that will tell, but I suspect that you already know the answer in your heart.

Best Of Luck To You
Reply:He's a serial cheater and will not change since he can take advantage of you and you stay.

It is hard to move on and rely on yourself, but in the end you'll be stronger and have self-respect.

There are good guys out there, and eventually you will find another one. Don't settle for a cheater!
Reply:if it was not the first time it will not be the last but you just had a baby so stay until baby is one year old work on your self esteem
Reply:The fact that he wants you to move 1600 miles away to be with him sounds like he is trying to isolate you. This will put you in a horrible situation being so far away from friends and family without any support system. I think that you should separate yourself from him and begin the healing process to move on in your life. You will never be able to truly forgive and trust him ever again. Most likely, he will continue cheating and you will continue to be hurt. You owe it to yourself and your children to live a healthy happy life and I'm afraid that this man will only cause you heart ache. You deserve someone who will love, honor, respect you, the way that you treat them. I wish you the best!

genealogy mormon

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